Butterfly Festival in Jasper

Butterfly Festival is held on the THIRD Saturday in October,  along with the Chamber of Commerce’s Fall Fest (arts & craft, music & food). The Outdoor Learning Center and Master Gardener Greenhouse & plant sale are 1 block south of the courthouse at 225 Water St. in Jasper, TX 75951. The library holds a book sale in the Fire Hall and the East Texas Photography Club sponsors a photo contest.

The Outdoor Learning Center next to the Butterfly House hosts a variety of free DSCN7123activities for kids to celebrate the fall migration of the monarch butterflies. We have several butterfly releases during the day. The Butterfly House is open to walk through with guides to help you identify each species and their host plants. The  gardens include a variety of nectar plants.

The City of Jasper runs a free shuttle service between Fall Fest and Butterfly Festival  events and various parking lots. For information about Fall Fest, contact the Chamber at http://www.jaspercoc.org/ or call their office at 409-384-2762. For information about the Butterfly Festival, call the Texas A&M AgriLife office at 409-384-3721.

Jasper is known as the Butterfly Capital of Texas because it is on one of the main flyways for the migration of the monarch butterfly. Read more about the amazing journey of the monarch and East Texas’ role in helping out by creating monarch waystations.



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